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Jual Radio RIG Harga Murah. Cari dan Beli Produk Radio RIG Lainnya hanya di Anekaalatsurvey. Hubungi Langsung : #089617332462
Icom IC-2720H 2M/440 dual bander has all the features you want. You get: separate front panel, wideband receive, 3 power settings, built-in CTCSS decode/encode, selectable amber/green display, PC compatibility and 212 memory channels. Power output is 50/15/5 watts on 2 meters and 35/15/5 watts on 440 MHz. The 2720H supports cross-band repeat. It is 9600 BPS packet ready too (6 pin DIN). The 2720H also includes a built-in duplexer, full function backlit HM-133 remote DTMF hand mic, MB-84 remote controller mounting bracket, separation cable, radio mobile mounting bracket, OPC-1132 9.8 foot DC power cable and spare fuses. Main unit size: 5.5 x 1.65 x 7.4 inches 2.6 Lbs (140x40x187 mm 1.17 kg). Controller size: 5.5 x 2 x 1.2 inches 6 ounces (140x50x27 mm 150g). This model requires 13.8 VDC at 12 amps.
Features :
9600 BPS Packet Ready
212 Memories
Weather Alert (USA only)
Crossband Repeat
V/V, U/U Simultaneous Receive
Three Output Levels
Separate Head
Receive 118-550, 810-999 MHz (less cellular)
Full Function Mic
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